Seems we are doing cattle work everyday, bulls out and moving to different pastures! #eatitbeforehoppers #getyourgreens
Finished processing and branding last group of calves today. May calves looking good, need rain to keep grass growing. #brandname
It’s berry picking time, just in time for Canada Day, the real Canadian Maple Leaf! #ripeforthepicking maple leaf forever
A lot of folks will think these are inferior bulls that nobody wanted, far from reality, these bulls were deferred in March, before our annual Maine Difference Bull Sale. We retested last night and they all passed with flying colors. 2 yr old Maine and Maintainer bulls, 8 blk and 4 red. Some of these bulls would have been top sellers in sale, but we don’t sell anything, no matter how good, until they pass semen test. Tremendous bulls, ready to go to work. #mainesamust #bestvalue
View from the top, overlooking the bulls and heifers at DCTC Veteran Alta. Maine Difference Bull and Open Heifer Sale tomorrow, 2:00pm MST. Bidding on DLMS.
Open palpated heifers are sorted and weighed, awaiting sale on Thursday at DCTC Veteran Alta, in Maine Difference Bull and Open Heifer Sale. Bidding on DLMS
Bulls are all settled in at DCTC,Veteran Alta, ready for Maine Difference Bull and Open Heifer Sale this Thursday March 30. Bidding on DLMS,2:00 pm MST.
Weights on open palpated heifers for the Maine Difference Bull and Open Heifer Sale, this Thursday, March 30 DCTC Veteran Alta. Bidding on DLMS
It’s been a long winter and looking forward to spring! We now have videos posted on our website at deaglecattleco, of the pens of the open, palpated breeding hfrs that will be on offer in the Maine Difference Sale on March 30 at Veteran Alta #countdownison #almosthere
Maine Difference Bull Sale videos are now online, go to our website, deaglecattleco to see them on cattlevids
Weights and scrotal measurements for Maine Difference Bull and Open Heifer Sale, March 30/23 DCTC Veteran Alta. 2:00 pm MST. Broadcast on DLMS fir bidding. Sale videos will be taken next week